Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tool 1 Experience

I have completed doing all the necessary actions to create a Blog! By using the given directions, which I printed out and read along the way, I went through each step. All of the needed tabs were clearly seen which helped it go smoothly. Also, a fellow teacher gave me encouragement and some directions as he was doing his Blog too. I look forward to sharing lessons done in the classroom, activities to do at home to extend lessons, comments about reflections on the lessons.
Reading other teachers' blogs will be fun as I will receive ideas to do in my own class. Parents will benefit from this form of sharing too. Sharing will take on a whole new dimension!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Just starting in this big BLOG adventure!

Today is the first day of the rest of my BLOGGING life!
Lots to learn with joy and respect for technology...
many fun times ahead for all of us!
Looking forward to you joining me in this new adventure in my teaching career!